About a boy…who is in need of a punch.

Once up a time, there was a character named Spinelli. Or the Jackal. Or Assassin of the Internet. Or Doucheface, if you’re listening to the side commentary from my living room.

For yes, brave Spinelli was a bit of a doucheface. It wasn’t his fault exactly. The writers just delighted in keeping him an entitled, incomprehensible, nick-name giving, mob-worshiping, out of touch with reality ass-toad.

Spinelli annoying

But little by little, he started to become a real boy. The nicknames became manageable, the entitlement dropped, the smug lectures about morality while working for the mafia disappeared. By the time he left, the narrator didn’t actually hate his guts anymore. It was a General Hospital miracle! And then he came back.

I try to give the writing team the benefit of the doubt, you guys. I really do. But among the many, many things I don’t understand about their choices lately, the decision to reintroduce Spinelli to the canvas in his most obnoxious form ranks really high.

Mostly because there is no reason it should have been necessary? Maxie and Spinelli have never been my favorite couple (UNDERSTATEMENT) but there was a perfectly fine, soapy story to be had from his reemergence in her life, bonding over their daughter’s illness and their shared history.

Maxie, Spinelli and Georgie

Instead, they decided to skip over any sort of build up or motivation and just present him as obsessed with Maxie out of the blue after over a year apart and in love with another woman. And then demonstrate his feelings in the most disrespectful, manipulative, and entitled way possible.

If this is just meant to be another bump in the road for Nathan and Maxie, then I’m sorry, but it’s a really crap reason to destroy all the character development that went into maturing Spinelli from a one-note cliche into an actual, three-dimensional human being before he left.

I resent it, and frankly I resent having to dig through the archives to find this post again. Because seriously: Backpfeifengesicht!

21 thoughts on “About a boy…who is in need of a punch.

  1. they never follow up on stories…..it’s all about plot points…they leave couple’s lingering for sometimes weeks…no follow up, just one crisis to another…there is no story anymore…just we have this one event..onto the next…that’s the problem…..we need more follow ups with stories..or we need less stories….that’s the case plain and simple…


  2. I’m sorry, but it’s a really crap reason to destroy all the character development that went into maturing Spinelli from a one-note cliche into an actual, three-dimensional human being before he left.

    I couldn’t agree more


  3. Ric and Spinelli both returned to town in the last year still in love with women that had moved on years and years ago (Liz 2004!), and Maxie 2013. It’s absurd and really, really, creepy, that Ric and Spin seem to be stuck in time. I thought Ellie brought out the real man in Spinelli and hate to see him back on MY Tv screen at all and acting like a fool.

  4. Ric and Spinelli both returned to town in the last year still in love with women that had moved on years and years ago (Liz 2004!), and Maxie 2013. It’s absurd and really, really, creepy, that Ric and Spin seem to be stuck in time. I thought Ellie brought out the real man in Spinelli and hate to see him back on MY Tv screen at all and acting like a fool.

    but it’s not just them….everyone in soap land comes back and expects their husband/wife waiting there for them…even when they were declared dead like 20 years ago..no one’s ever allowed to move on…so, really it is sick…but it’s true to soap form


    like look at yr…..adam is expecting Chelsea to just drop into his lap when the truth comes out that Gabriel really is Chelsea…..and nikki keeps on going back to victor, when she knows what a creep he is…so…

    I know it shouldn’t be done, but it is…

    no one in soap land is ever supposed to move on, how dare they…..I gonna fix you, I goona fix you…..and no, that’s not a mis-print……if you don’t do what I say, I get my goons out after you..i goona fix you, I goona fix you….over, and over, and over, and over again

    and it just gets so tedious…..

    that’s why the American soaps need to start being like the brit ones at times..if a character is dead then they’re dead….they don’t get to come back 20 times…they don’t get to have plastic surgery and all that kind of stuff…they’re just dead…

  5. Spinelli was okay as comic relief in Jason’s otherwise boring life for give or take the first year after that I muted him when he was on all that Sam ass kissing made me ill. I didn’t really like him then and I don’t like him now. He is annoying and he makes me want to slap him. The writers are just plain lazy. ITA they hop from one dizzying ‘moment’ to another and it makes me either FF or mute. I say Maxie should take back her kid and raise her with Nathan–terrible actor–but a good guy character.

    • He’s definitely not terrible considering he’s fairly new to acting & has improved from when he first started. At least he remembers his lines unlike a certain veteran on the show.

  6. I agree…I dont’ think that Nathan is a terrible actor though…..spin, on the other hand…

    yeah I used to mute him a lot….especially when he was sam a kissing like you said…can’t stand her with a passion….

    at least they’ve torn down a lot of the spin speak….now that was irritating as all get out……


  7. He’s definitely not terrible considering he’s fairly new to acting & has improved from when he first started. At least he remembers his lines unlike a certain veteran on the show

    I agree lisa.

    and while we’re on that subject….why did we have to get a new Sloane…..I really liked the other one…

    yes I have seen this guy in two other soaps, and I liked him in both soaps…but now on GH he absolutely does nothing at all for me…….

  8. I’m torn. On one hand, he was always kind of a passive aggressive doucheface to me, even by the time he left. On the other, making Spinelli as obnoxious as possible won’t make me forget that the Nathan actor is pretty mediocre, writers.


  9. I think the actor playing Nathan is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Completely incompetent, which is a real shame, because the character is good and he and Maxie got an old-school soapy buildup. But I can’t watch their scenes, he infuses everything with the same level of urgency, i.e., someone who’s uncertain of whether to let the waiter know he would like more salt.

    Bradford Anderson, on the other hand, is a good actor stuck with some piss-poor writing. That said, it’s a standard soap trope, dating back as far as the genre, for old loves to show up looking to rekindle things years after they’ve ended. My problem is not that Ric still has feelings for Elizabeth, or that Spinelli still has feelings for Maxie. I just don’t like the way the show has paced the re-connections for the characters. In the case of Ric/Liz, she gave in far too quickly to facilitate the storyline that had the PCPD faking Ric’s death. It’s even worse with Spinelli, since it all would have worked much better if he’d shown up sad because he and Ellie had split, and the viewers had seen Maxie and Spinelli reconnecting, organically, onscreen.

    • Yeah. Every time I think the guy may be improving a wee bit, he is pretty horrible again. I cracked up when he ran into the emergency room last week, something about the way he was turning his head was like a chicken jerking its head.

      And agree with you about the returns of Spinelli and Ric. Both of them were just showed up and practically the first thing they say is “I’m still in love with you let’s get back together right now right right now.” Sheesh. How about asking to get a cup of coffee first.

  10. I think the actor playing Nathan is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Completely incompetent, which is a real shame, because the character is good and he and Maxie got an old-school soapy buildup. But I can’t watch their scenes, he infuses everything with the same level of urgency, i.e., someone who’s uncertain of whether to let the waiter know he would like more salt.

    your description reminds me of another soap actor that I got so sick of, so sick that I can’t watch him in anything at all anymore……when I started to watch said soap he was good, but as the soap progressed, his acting kept on getting worse, and worse, and worse…..so, for me you’re not describing the actor who plays Nathan, but another actor on another soap…


  11. I am a Spinelli fan and I am incredibly disappointed by this return. Mostly because Spinelli doesn’t NEED TO TRY HARD AT ALL to reconnect with Maxie. Which was proven the minute they got the call about Georgie. I like Spin as the nice guy who doesn’t finish last, that was the whole reason I fell for him and Maxie in the first place.

    But more than anything about the terrible writing for Spinelli, I am aghast at how utterly boring Maxie & Nathan are as a couple. Spinelli is the SECOND old love they have brought from Maxie’s past in 2 months in order to create some drama for her and Nathan. And I honestly don’t have any suggestions on how to fix their boring-ness.


    • imo, what would fix Maxie and Nathan is recasting Nathan. He doesn’t have much charisma in addition to not being really talented.

      But I would scrap the character altogether. Maybe pair Maxie with Morgan or Michael, I think she could be interesting with them (and scrap Kiki, another useless character).

      • I like the character concept of Nathan. Nice guy, crazy family history, good cop. But the actor is terrible. Unfortunately, the show clearly thinks his standard-issue good looks and rock-hard abs are all that are required.

  12. that’s the problem with all couples they become boring, after the initial get together….a lot of sitcoms are cancelled after said couple gets together…..like right now, Melissa and joey…everyone says that the show is cancelled because they let them get married…it was more of the angst that they all loved, and all that kind of stuff…..so…

    but it’s with all soap couples….you want them together, but the minute that they do actually get together, you want them apart…so in comes the jealous ex….spin, ric, whoever you want to choose…..and it’s push pull, in everything…

    so that’s the problem…how to keep the audience entertained when said couple gets together, and what to do, to break them up in a split second…

    yes, spin is acting not like himself….I do agree with that…I do like him more then when he was first on….like I said it was too much spin speak, and chasing after you know who……not really chasing, but the way that they had him speak about her, and all that…..so…

    I kind of do like him better now, but, no he’s not perfect, in the lines that they’re giving him….suttle is the way to go, but we all know that we’re not going to get that…so…I just go with the flow, so to speak


  13. There could have been plenty to pull apart Nathan and Maxie without resorting to Spinelli. They already had an issue because of Maxie helping Johnny get away, and Nathan covering up the fact that Maxie had helped him. I would like to see Maxie deal with the fact that she’s already dated two cops that died (Jesse and Cooper (I think that was his name) and had an affair with another who got hooked on drugs (Lucky, who she was enabling). Maxie also needs a job for heaven’s sake. How is she paying rent on a two bedroom apartment with no roommate and no job? Can’t Carly hire her as a wedding coordinator or special events coordinator at the Metro Court, and then Maxie is so busy with events and Nathan with his job as a cop that they never have time together. You know, normal couple stuff. She tries to get Nathan to give up his job as a cop and work at the Metro Court as Head of security.

  14. i agree with that……they really don’t need spin…but, he’s going to be in her life one way or another, because of georgie….so….

    that’s the trickly part…if it wasn’t for georgie, then they wouldn’t have a need for him, but sad to say they kind of do.


  15. i don’t know, i kind of like nathan..i see him having all that you say, but to each our own….who i don’t find with any charmisma at all is who you said, morgan…and i really don’t want maxie to be in sonnys hospital….so…enough of sonny’s hospital, we need to keep some characters away from his show…he’s the one for me that truely needs to go……because he and carly again are boring as all get out…and the i must kill that person, i must kill that person…enough of sonny’s hospital is my mantra..


  16. the problem is that they’re not building on his family…they got rid of his sister…..his mom’s barely seen, and all that…all that we have left is a crazy sister, and all that…

    truthfully I would have liked to have seen what they were seeing, or hearing, the sister that his mother held away for so many years, because Helena ordered her dead, and all that….so now, he’s kind of like out there in no man’s land…they’re building up everyone else’s family, but not his anymore…

    but then again, I guess that they need to get rid of some characters, because sorry they need to play Rebecca budding, who I so couldn’t care about at all…..and all that kind of stuff.


  17. I LOATHE Spinelli! I used to see his ugly face in the opening credits and change the channel. I say used to because I am no longer a soap fan. And I watched GH for a good 30 years.

    What I dont understand is how they can waste their time on worthless, ugly, no talent, barely speak English dweebs when they have a rich cadt of talented people!

    And after Spinelli, Diane Miller is the second worst! Ahain, havent watched since mud April because they are shoving the pairing of her and Scorpio down everyones throat. Cant stand her- makes me sick.

    They keep this up and there wont be fans to write for. Never thought Id leave on the year of the 60th anniversary.

    But my biggest gripe is a tribute to Ephiffany but NOTHING for Bobbie Spencer! Nada! Zilch! Zip. Disappointed!

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